

XXXV International Warsaw Go Tournament.
Polish Go Association welcome all Go enthusiasts to watch top Polish and European players in action.


Friday, 29.06.2012

Saturday, 30.06.2012

Sunday, 01.07.2012

1500 - registration
1630 - opening ceremony,
furoshiki demonstration
1700 - 1st round

800 - registration
900 - 2nd round
1200 - 3rd round
1600 - 4th round

900 - 5th round
1200 - 6th round
1500 - prize giving ceremony

Special events

Furoshiki demonstration organized by Warsaw Japanese School

Furoshiki cloth is a product of Japanese "tsutsumu bunka" - packaging culture that has survived from ancient times until today. A simple cloth, used the old and the modern Japanese for packing, wrapping and carrying various items in today's Japan is conceived and popularized as one of the solutions in the field of environmental protection. It could replace plastic shopping bag, backpack, book cover, handy bag. A simple and versatile.

Basic techniques of packaging things with furoshiki cloth will be presented including: how to pack a book, a bottle of mineral water, computer, and a folding umbrella, and how to instantly create a shopping bag and a bag for small items.


Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of Warsaw University (details: map)

Tournament System

Time allowance 1 hour per player + 30 sec byoyomi. Komi 6,5 pts.
6 round Mac-Mahon, Japanese rules.
top-bar: 2 dan (min. 8 players)
low-bar: 15kyu

Final standings:

Chief referee: Michał Parkoła 2 dan


Min. budget: 1500 PLN (350 €)

Prizes for :

  • I place
  • II place
  • III place
  • best* 1 dan
  • best* player 1-5 kyu
  • best* player up to 6 kyu
  • best* player up to 10 kyu
  • best* player up to 15 kyu
  • best kyu player - 1 month memebership in Korean-style Insei League
  • best female - 1 month memebership in Korean-style Insei League
Every player will take only the most valuable prize she/he won.
* Breaker: number of wins, final position

All top getters will receive medals

Entry fee

Entry fee: 50 PLN
Beginners (15 kyu and lower): -20 PLN
PGA membership: -10 PLN

Early payment: -20 PLN (till 15th June)
Caution – possible multiple deduction!


Tournament coincides with Euro 2012, for this reason, finding cheap accommodation for the players was impossible.
If anyone would need help with finding accommodation, please contact us.

and sponsors:
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Go Warszawska Szko³a Jêzyka Japoñskiego Polska Liga Mahjonga Korean-style Insei League
Media: Go w Polsce